Suggestion for "focus" issues still apparent in Win 7
Folks....I posted this in another thread and it was suggested that instead I post it here; where it might been seen by the development team. Folks.... One of the things that has bugged/plagued me for the past several years is when you are hard at work on something, and a "pop up" box appears and steals focus. This is both annoying and dangerous. I'm not referring to an IE pop up, but any windows/app "event" that pops up. Common example; I'm racing a deadline to complete a document and typing furiously away when all of a sudden an Outlook reminder will "pop up" and take the focus from what I'm doing and in some really bad cases actually accept my keystrokes that were meant for the app I WAS working on and use them to perform an action for the pop up box that has just appeared! Maybe I just dismissed an important reminder, or worse! How I think this could work better....... Perhaps a setting could be set in Windows (user can select - either keep the current behavior or use this new behavior) that when a pop up occurs it is translucent and will NOT steal focus from the current application; but it won't go away either. So in my example above, let's say I'm furiously working away at an MS Word document and an Outlook reminder "pops up". None of my keystrokes will be taken away from the app I'm currently working on, but I'll see the translucent window pop up and can then decide to act on it ....or not. There would need to be some way of then choosing the window for focus; perhaps by right-clicking and choosing which window beneath my mouse should have focus. I don't know if I've ever heard anyone talk about this before, but I can't be the only person this has ever bugged! Plus....that would be a "cool" feature; a translucent window that is advising you of something and readable, but yet you can still see you main work through it....and most importanly...DOES NOT STEAL THE FOCUS! I haven't seen anything in Win 7 yet that makes me think this behavior has changed...has it? Thanks! Todd
January 25th, 2009 10:29pm

It happens to me too in games and I really don't like it. I still don't know if it is the anti-virus but I found Windows suspicious. Adelino Araujo
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January 25th, 2009 11:00pm

Hi Todd Sorry, you need to post this message in the following Feedback thread. Go to the following thread. Have Comments about Windows 7 Beta? In the first message in that thread, just click the Reply Button and post this information. Don't start a new thread. The messages in that thread are collected, periodically, by the Forum Owner and passed along to the Windows 7 Product Teams. Hope this helps. Ronnie Vernon MVP
January 25th, 2009 11:05pm

Almost one year after the message, and after MANY years using windows, I still have focus problems. Please, why thre is not a way, like a nice checkbox saying: "Prevent ANY AND ALL windows to steal focus NO MATTER WHAT, NO MATTER HOW IMPORTANT THEY THINK THEY ARE" and so on? Is it SOOOO hard to do?
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November 3rd, 2009 1:39pm

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